I received a cranial sacral session from lindsay sharp, which was the only energy work i've ever truly felt the benefits of. it left me in serious amazement, as though some miracle had just taken place. i also received swedish and de ep tissue that left me in a similar place, mentally and physically light and balanced in my body for days. lindsay is the only person who has sensed, understood, and then put into touch my health through bodywork in all the sessions i received at heartwood--- which i find extremely impressive, not only because she was still a student practicing at the time, but also because my body can have such a hard time opening up and receiving healing no matter how relaxed i feel. what powerful and trustworthy hands. thank you.
---Maia S, former heartwood kitchen staff
I have chronic pain issues secondary to an autoimmune disorder, and while I love massages I often have to spend a whole day "recovering" because so many massage therapists want to "fix" everything at once.
My experience with Lindsay was the total opposite: we had a short session in which she used gentle touch to "listen" to the needs of my body. As she worked, she shared with me everything that she noticed, and I felt like I was learning not just about my body but about myself. She has an obvious reverence for the messages she receives from the body, and puts them into words using her trademark poetic wit. Lindsay did some light restorative work on my neck, shoulders and legs. I felt rejuvenated & restored for the rest of the day.
I can only imagine that Lindsay is just as skilled at doing deeper tissue work and craniosacral work with her other clients, and I believe her greatest gift is her understanding of who needs what, how much, and when. She is certainly a true healer.
Emily S. Clinical Therapist